Моторошна історія про руку мерця, або Як грати у вісімки та тузи, коли ви мертві З розумом в якості кисневого балону і уявою, як єдиним якорем у теперішнє, ми повертаємося для чергового глибокого занурення в брудне дзеркало історії. Цього разу ми вирушимо мальовничим маршрутом через територію Дедвуд, штат Дакота, де ми досліджуємо походження “Руки мерця” […]

Вступ Ніщо так не хвилює, як скандал. Скандал у Богемії для містера Шерлока Холмса. Скандал у бульварних газетах, завжди улюблених пліткарями. Скандал – це первісний елемент, як страх і існування; ми можемо простежити історію скандалу до давнини з осоромленими римськими аристократами, а до них – осоромленими етрусками, греками, багряними ассирійцями та приниженими аркадійцями. Ми боїмося […]

Hello again, From tracking softwares to guidebooks to observation and careful study, improving your graphs in the post-net world is easier than ever before. A hundred years ago if you wanted to improve your EV you had to sneak out the bedroom window, rappel down the house, make your way to the smoky tavern on […]

Unlike a history of poker in briefs, thoroughly covered in our strip poker dressdown, this will be a compendium as concise as the facts and tugged strands permit. Regular readers will have already noted my penchant for the past. Even in the Omaha strategy articles I like to digress into historical dreamscapes. After all, he who […]

Hello everyone. Back from the brink with another eye-beer for you to down, then shake your head and shout ‘God, these are good.’ This week, we’re talking winning. Charlie Sheen style. Tiger blood. The warrior’s prize. Victory is glory is victory is glory. Online searches yield numerous results for the single biggest poker win ever. […]

When I checked the content schedule to find our next outing was down the gold paved road of Omaha, my heart leapt for the fortuitous coincidence of it all. Just as we follow that winding yellowbrickroad to June’s $100K Omaha fest, what could be more useful to our delightful Omaholics and would-be ordained Omaha Omukama than […]

Hello again. Is online poker rigged? The million dollar question. Anyone person positive poker is controlled behind-the-scenes by shady corporate entities who turn on or off the ‘win’ button to further personal vendettas don’t need to ask – their minds are already mind up. If, like me, your inner skeptic trumps that tinfoil hat wearing […]

We’re back with another poker ponderance. This time it’s a Stud Poker deep-dive, talking rules, strategies and all the basics you need to start playing successfully. You might see the name and immediately think it’s horse related right? It’s not…. BUT WAIT *gasp* Does it involve racehorses? Just maybe! During my research I stumbled upon a presumably […]

Planning isn’t easy at walking pace, doubly at triple speed (doubly at triple sounds like racing parlance), but there’s grace in quickness. Like Bruce Lee said, we must be like water. Having recently introduced Rush&Cash, our own take on the Fast-fold formula, we thought we’d give you guys a strategic head start.   What is […]

What makes a man rich? The quality of his furs perhaps, the speed of his stable, the noise of his retinue passing, his heart’s content, or the love given reflected backward like an afterglow. Whatever your philosophy, there’s a thousand ways to feel wealthy, having zeppelin loads of cash just happens to be the oldest, […]

Introduction Even in brutal warfare where waves are atomised in a single lance of pale fire and the churned world is rendered lunar, there’s planning behind the frenzy. Master of warfare Sun Tzu understood the importance of strategic deployment of resources and, most applicable to poker, he never underestimated the strength of an opponent. All […]

RIP Radio Video killed the radio star, but empowered the Twitch idol. Welcome to TwitchWorld, where anyone can be famous for anything at any given time. There’s all sorts of reasons fans flock to Twitch channels. Maybe you’re a quiet speedrunner. Those fans have come to see your craft. By that same token, you might […]